Marc DeSimone's Bio

Dr. Marc A. De Simone, Sr. is a senior consultant and partner in The International Leadership Development Consortium, Inc. in Towson, Maryland. His forte is in the planning, design, and implementation of organization-wide leadership and management training, Organization Development, executive development, diversity, gender equity, and mentoring training initiatives. Marc also serves as an organizational consultant, executive coach, mentor, and adjunct associate professor in Applied Behavioral Science at the Johns Hopkins University, MBA and Police Executive Leadership Programs, and assists organizations with understanding multicultural issues, organization development, management training, strategic planning, and customer service.

Marc has worked with such clients as Microsoft, Richfood’s Metro Food Market chain, The Metris Corporation, The National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Maryland Chapter, Winsor Associates, and other clients. A partial list includes the Executive Office of the President of the United States of America (White House), The Secret Service, The Pentagon (Marc is a survivor of the September 11, 2001 Attack on America at the Pentagon), NASA, the CIA, Baltimore HealthCare Access, Department of Commerce, The Graduate School, USDA, The U.S. Navy, American Radiology, and many others. Marc is…..

• an internationally recognized author, trainer, and consultant whose books and scholarly research have appeared in local, regional, and national publications including the Journal of Quality Management.

• a graduate of Morgan State University (B.A. History), St. Mary’s Seminary and University (M.A. Rel. Education), and The University of Maryland, College Park (Ph.D. Curriculum Development and Instruction – Professional Development – focus in Applied Behavioral Science in Organizational settings).

•a diversity trainer for the Department of the Interior, The United States Census Bureau, Local Fire and Police Departments, and mentoring consultant for NASA and the former Immigration and Naturalization Service.

• a management training consultant to NASA’s Cape Canaveral – Kennedy Space Center.

• a faculty member with the Johns Hopkins University (Police Executive Leadership and MBA Programs), The University of Maryland, USDA Graduate School, and instructor for The Community College of Baltimore County.

• twelve years experienced in government service

• multi-lingual and has lived abroad in several foreign countries and traveled extensively in the USA and Europe.

• president of The International Leadership Development Consortium, Inc., and consultant with The International Training Consortium, Inc. Co-Founder of the Center for Formative Leadership, and co-author of the book: Empowering the Leader Within: Four Essential Virtues (ISBN 0-9648722-0-X).

• a highly sought after conference presenter

• presently working simultaneously with many organizations, from small companies to Government agencies

• being sought after as a trainer and consultant to a variety of businesses and industries

Before founding the ILDC, Inc., Dr. De Simone was Training Manager and a Certified ISO 9000 Lead Auditor for Chesapeake Finished Metals, a division of Chicago Metallic Corporation. Marc has trained tens of thousands in the areas of management training and leadership development, diversity issues, mentoring, effective human interaction skills, conflict management, performance management, and many other aspects of employee training and development.

Dr. Marc A. De Simone, Sr.
Email = moc.cniCDLI|enomisedm#moc.cniCDLI|enomisedm
Phone = 410-499-3334
Fax = 410-494-9447

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